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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Thursday, February 16, 2006

    Blood Chilling Irony of the Week Story - Hypocrites in Congress who Constantly thwart, suppress and squash Democracy for Money

    call internet chieftains on the congressional carpet for doing the same thing.

    I don't want Yahoo helping suppress dissent in China.
    Nor Do I want Yahoo engaging in dissent suppression here by moving to a system of weighted email delivery, the first step in premium content sites, bet ya, which will slowly strangle the free flow of information on the internet.

    I don't want Verizon giving the NSA information about my online activities when the NSA asks without a warrant, without the scrutiny of a judge, because the blood slurping, fanged fascists who run Bush believe executive power equals kingship, and have no respect whatsoever for the concept of checks and balances and the corporate creeps who supply their power base apparently agree.

    I don't want google making a record of the contents of my computer or AOL censoring what mail it delivers to me.

    But all these things are in various stages of underway and the public doesn't seem to understand that freedom of expression on the internet can be taken away from them. Easily.

    Whether it is done in the name of corporate profit or not, making certain sites less accessible will have the same effect over time; censorship.

    However, the irony of the whores in congress complaining to the internet lords for doing exactly what they do all day, every day, is so rich it leaves me nauseous.

    Congress has given away our rights, signed on to illegal war, destroyed the independent media, allowed two fraudulent federal elections - and that is the short list - and all for money. The current congress, with a few awesome exceptions like Cynthia McKinney always choose money over democracy, and have done so with such frequency and rapidity we can't really een pretend Amerikkka is a democracy now.

    Four U.S. high-tech companies on Wednesday found themselves branded collaborators with the Chinese government in suppressing dissent in return for access to a booming Internet market.


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