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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Thursday, February 16, 2006

    Patriot Act Moves Ahead Despite Opposition

    "The outcome here is absolutely predetermined," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said late Wednesday. "It's going to pass with overwhelming support."
    Ah yes, the kitten killer invariably thinks in terms of absolute and already done. He believes in his own might, loves to take his power out, play with it, show it off.
    Where I come from people like Frist are properly described as having Narcissistic personality disorder.

    During the process, Feingold, D-Wis., was trying to attach an amendment to set a four-year expiration date on the use of National Security Letters _ demands for records issued by administrators _ under the Patriot Act, according to a spokesman.

    Another amendment would require the government to notify the subject of a secret search within seven days or obtain court permission to maintain the secrecy for a longer period, rather than the 30-day requirement in the legislation being considered.

    This bill is further bad news for civil rights. I won't say it is bad news for the constitution, because that has already been eviscerated (as you would eviscerate any living thing you're killing InJustice Scalia) by 2 party effort, though lead by theocratic, self righteous repiglikkkans perverts who are obsessed with homosexuality and give the okay for army "specialists" to sodomize prisoners in Iraq.

    At least Feingold continues to try to position himself between them and a police state, unlike other members of his party. Notice the democrapic leadership has joined hands with the repiglikkkans, as usual, to screw the nation into oblivion. The government can search your house, computer, car, undies without a warrant and without your knowledge, legally, can do so based on the recommendation of some paranoid cold warrior striving for a big hot one so he can show off his big hard thrusting rockets and missiles and his big searing nuclear war heads..

    Now, the legislation's supporters include the chamber's most senior Democrats, and the 60 votes required to overcome Feingold's filibuster.


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