The Real Story
The white house press corps looks like a pack of fat Yorkie puppies charging a hungry hyena as they nip at Scotty about Cheney's hunting accident.
How absurd after the years of BushCo lies about everything, that the deeply comatose press comes to consciousness over this particular story. But, as we have recently seen, even folks in a persistent vegetative state can move and smile and mug for the camera.
In fact, the corporate press is missing, or maybe BURYING, the real story.
Here's Unca Dick hunting at the home of super connected, elite repiglikkkan lobbyist with family connections going back to Washington (at least) as far as the pallid, Rummy-Cheney-Haldamen-Erlichmen blocked heart of Nixon administration.
Here's a representative of Baker Botts and Lockheed Martin, a representative of Saudi oil and defense contracts and secret stuff, secret advocacy and lobbying and corporate silver greasing political palms, bobbing in the bubbling wake of the truth about Abramoff.
Here's the key, yet again, to understanding that the republican party is FLUSHING DEMOCRACY DOWN THE TOILET because it takes money from corporations to advocate for their interest against the interest of the people.
That's the real story. Another repiglikkkan fat cat spending the weekend with another repiglikkkan lobbyist. a lobbyist whose mom appointed Unca Dick to the CEO job Halliburton. You know Halliburton, the company making millions from screwing Iraq.
And so on it goes.
How absurd after the years of BushCo lies about everything, that the deeply comatose press comes to consciousness over this particular story. But, as we have recently seen, even folks in a persistent vegetative state can move and smile and mug for the camera.
In fact, the corporate press is missing, or maybe BURYING, the real story.
Here's Unca Dick hunting at the home of super connected, elite repiglikkkan lobbyist with family connections going back to Washington (at least) as far as the pallid, Rummy-Cheney-Haldamen-Erlichmen blocked heart of Nixon administration.
Here's a representative of Baker Botts and Lockheed Martin, a representative of Saudi oil and defense contracts and secret stuff, secret advocacy and lobbying and corporate silver greasing political palms, bobbing in the bubbling wake of the truth about Abramoff.
Here's the key, yet again, to understanding that the republican party is FLUSHING DEMOCRACY DOWN THE TOILET because it takes money from corporations to advocate for their interest against the interest of the people.
That's the real story. Another repiglikkkan fat cat spending the weekend with another repiglikkkan lobbyist. a lobbyist whose mom appointed Unca Dick to the CEO job Halliburton. You know Halliburton, the company making millions from screwing Iraq.
And so on it goes.
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