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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Thursday, October 13, 2005

    The Millionaire Revolution! Pass the Muskets Now, Me Brothers!

    Oppressed millionaires are revolting!
    In their tool kit, along with NAFTA, "tax breaks", welfare reform, Bush and Clinton, is a busy stone hammer called privatization.

    Privatization is part of the Millionaire's Revolution, just like invading Iraq is.

    People, and I use the term loosely, such as She-Swine, Green Glow and Show Your Balls, babble like splashing streams about the greatness of privatization, even though the onslaught of it does not mean ANYTHING to them other than more taxes, and a much more unstable society, the dumb asses.

    Here is how it works. The government collects taxes from the middle class then privatizes a service, say New York City subway security, to a defense contractor, say Lockheed Martin, then pays Lockheed's millionaire owners with She-Swine's, Green Glow's, Show Your Balls' and my tax dollars.

    This is called Economic Restructuring. It is also called Class War.

    The owners of Lockheed, and the corporation itself, get generous breaks on all that tax money they rake in because someone around Amurikkka thinks obscene wealth is a holy signifier of god's great grace, and the poor can go straight to hell. Hallelujah! Amen! Pass the Chevy Suburbans, we'll take over the middle east!

    Because millionaires are taxed at the same rate, or a lesser one, than middle class idiots who sign on to these repiglikkkan pirating schemes, more and more of the burden of paying private companies to run the government falls on people who can afford it less, who profit from it less and who are afforded, at every level, less opportunity from this feudal system.

    As the schemes solidify, everyone's state taxes and property taxes and telecommunication taxes and license fees and tuition and dentist bills and so on go up, up, up. These extra costs are felt differently at different levels of the economic system. If you are very poor those extra costs may cause you to miss a few meals or die from lack of health care. If you're She Swine you bitch endlessly about supporting the poor with your tax dollars, even though you are really supporting millionaires and billionaires and Loser Otis. If you're very wealthy, why should you care? You can just pay minimum wage/no benefits, send the poor to die and kill other poor for your personal gain and send lobbyists to buy you more government.

    And it doesn't stop there.
    Lockheed cannot provide security anymore than Suez can supply water to Atlanta. Private companies charge more and do less, and are less accountable, and the business school delusion that private companies will do jobs more efficiently, and for less money, merely because they are private and have to answer to the corporate god Yaweh profit, make about as much sense as a draft dodger starting a war of choice.

    No one, no matter how generously they are paid from tax coffers, can make you more secure, because your state of insecurity is based on the incredibly fucked up policies of your bought and sold government.

    An interesting thing missing from the puny, pathetic, piss-ant, corporate controlled public discourse about the illegal and unjust invasion and occupation of Iraq is that it is another privatization scheme. And it is a multi tiered privatization scheme. Private "security" companies fight it for thousands of tax dollars a day.
    Private companies are carving up the country, well, they're trying to. The Iraqis don't seem to be for sale in quite the same way Amerikkkans and British are. Smarter, I guess.
    And, the drain on resources created by the insanely stupid, unwinnable war has created an unusual number of opportunities for privatizers here at home to exploit the public trust ( see Blackwater security in NOLA, Katrina, among others)


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