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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Saturday, January 05, 2008

    Bill O'reilly Physically Assaults Obama Staffer.


    "I told him, 'Sir, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't shove me anymore.' He called me 'low class.' He was pretty upset," Nicholson said.

    Secret Service agents assigned to protect Obama ordered O'Reilly back behind the barricade. At that point Obama approached him and extended his hand.


    Obama makes me more sick every day.

    O'Reilly, Nicholson recounted, "said the senator was great and that he would love to have him on the show."

    Nicholson, a veteran of political campaigns, worked as Sen. John Kerry's personal aide in the 2004 presidential campaign.

    "I've never seen a member of the press lay hands on a staffer before," he said.

    Yeah, he ought to be arrested, not embraced by Obama

    Democrats, prodded by liberal activists who argue Fox News is biased, have been avoiding the cable news network. Fox had to cancel a scheduled Democratic debate after the candidates refused to participate.

    "Liberal activists? I suppose some right wing fuck ball penned this garbage. As if anyone who sees FOX for what it is - pure right wing propaganda - must be liberal and an activist. Authentic conservatives, not the evangelical shake and brain bake kind who control the republican party, also hate FOX and recognize it for the Nazi shot hole it is.



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