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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Saturday, September 08, 2007

    Organic Food, with a Side of Pesticides

    In 2005, China's organic food exports totaled $350 million--more than double compared to the year before. But questions about whether or not its really organic is on the rise.

    This is especially true after the numerous, recent scandals over tainted food products, deadly pet food ingredients, toxic toothpaste and fake medicines made in China.

    Fraud is a widespread problem, and China's organic food market is chaotic, say organic farm owners. According to Liu Lei, secretary of the Association of Green Development (a Chinese trade group for organic farmers), many small companies sell produce grown with pesticides and chemical fertilizers as organic.

    Since true organic produce does not travel well, most of the fresh fruits and vegetables are sold to closer markets, such as Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan. But plenty of it still ends up on your food plate here in the United States.

    Organic soybeans, rice and other grains, frozen vegetables, and fruit concentrates are commonly imported from China.

    Wal-Mart got caught in the mislabeled organic scam last year, after a surprise inspection revealed their "organic" vegetables were tainted with pesticides. Since then Wal-Mart's organic standards have come under scrutiny again for a variety of mislabeled "organic" food products.

    Some American companies are now beginning to take charge of their own organic certification, dispatching their own people to verify the farming and manufacturing practices of their Chinese producers.

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