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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Thursday, November 16, 2006

    Terrorism Law Used to prosecute public display of affection on plane

    According to their indictment, Carl Persing and Dawn Sewell were allegedly snuggling and kissing inappropriately, "making other passengers uncomfortable," when a flight attendant asked them to stop.

    On a second warning from the flight attendant, Persing snapped back threatening the flight attendant with "serious consequences" if he did not leave them alone.

    Persing's lawyer William Peregoy said his client was not feeling well when he placed his head on his companion's lap, and that he only threatened the flight attendant with reporting him to his superiors on landing.

    I've always understood one of the main motives of repiglikkkans everywhere is to prevent anyone but themselves from having sex outside the boundaries by which they define appropriate sexual behavior (missionary position, no orgasms for women, all sex results in pregnancy), but this sounds less like sex on an airplane and more like the passenger offended the flight attendant's sense of importance.
    Nonetheless, more and more stories about inappropriate application of the new Bush laws are in the news daily.
    If newly elected Democrats want to be taken seriously they need to repeal those laws.


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