Trade: Arbitrary shuffling of goods for profit - not determined by need but by greed
Free Trade: Trade unregulated and unfettered by public concerns or government regulation
Privatization: a method for taking accountability out of government and passing tax dollars from low income workers into the hands of wealthy corporate owners. Also serves as a tool for removing worker benefits and lowering standard of living
Globalization: a mechanism by which corporations can consolidate their world wide control over governments and financially attack any populations who might be inclined to fight against corporate control by ravaging their economies through any number of special tools such as Free Trade Agreements, WTO. IMF, etc
War on Terror: A Media Device which pretends to the public that the ruling class is interested in protecting them from terrorists attacks when the ruling class actually, while acting in its own narrow financial interests, constantly increases the likelihood of world terrorists events; also used to further the more general goals of the international class war and remove the legal mechanisms by which people might protest their oppression. Advances the dominance of the simple minded dualistic black and white analytical framework trained into the young by institutions such as religion, crumbling schools and technologies such as TV
Democracy: a euphemism for corporate oligarchy
Free Press: a collection of professional corporate propagandists
Free Elections: Privatized elections in which votes are counted on heavily hackable machines that are under the control of right wing extremists. Results are predetermined
The Nations State: An relic of the past. The nation state is no more the seat of power now than is the church which it replaced not that long ago. The locus of power is now the global corporation or multinational
Lobbyists: People who take corporate money then pay the active members of the government to break the law and act against the best interest of the public
Democrats: The timid branch of the American right wing
Republicans: Nazis with better weapons
Free Trade: Trade unregulated and unfettered by public concerns or government regulation
Privatization: a method for taking accountability out of government and passing tax dollars from low income workers into the hands of wealthy corporate owners. Also serves as a tool for removing worker benefits and lowering standard of living
Globalization: a mechanism by which corporations can consolidate their world wide control over governments and financially attack any populations who might be inclined to fight against corporate control by ravaging their economies through any number of special tools such as Free Trade Agreements, WTO. IMF, etc
War on Terror: A Media Device which pretends to the public that the ruling class is interested in protecting them from terrorists attacks when the ruling class actually, while acting in its own narrow financial interests, constantly increases the likelihood of world terrorists events; also used to further the more general goals of the international class war and remove the legal mechanisms by which people might protest their oppression. Advances the dominance of the simple minded dualistic black and white analytical framework trained into the young by institutions such as religion, crumbling schools and technologies such as TV
Democracy: a euphemism for corporate oligarchy
Free Press: a collection of professional corporate propagandists
Free Elections: Privatized elections in which votes are counted on heavily hackable machines that are under the control of right wing extremists. Results are predetermined
The Nations State: An relic of the past. The nation state is no more the seat of power now than is the church which it replaced not that long ago. The locus of power is now the global corporation or multinational
Lobbyists: People who take corporate money then pay the active members of the government to break the law and act against the best interest of the public
Democrats: The timid branch of the American right wing
Republicans: Nazis with better weapons
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