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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Friday, September 08, 2006

    ABC and 9.11 propaganda

    The reason ABC is now aggressively peddling blatant pro Bush propaganda about 9.11 is the GOP is nervous the 5th anniversary revisiting of those horrible events this long after the initial fear and panic have subsided, and in the wake of other notable Bush disasters may finally provoke discussion of the Bush controlled federal government's failure to act to prevent 9.11, or to clean up the aftermath and work to reduce the threat of further attacks.

    All Bush has is the illusion of necessity of the war on terror - which is nothing more than euphemism generously sprinkled throughout the corporate media to disguise the fact of the class war Bush is waging against Iraq and against his own people.

    Aside from that, Bush has done more damage to America than every jihadist on the planet could hope to do.

    But since the Bush administration's control has diminished somewhat since the advent of Cindy Sheehan and Katrina, and since there is an election coming up, they must emphasize and reinforce their illusionary success in the illusionary war on terror.

    Any real discussion about 9.11 must be suppressed by this kind of nonsense and propaganda, because the Bush administration clearly failed to protect the country, but were perversely, cynically able to use the corporate-totalitarian media to manipulate the public into thinking otherwise ; "fight them there so we don't have to fight them here" etc.

    What if the average person started to see 9.11 for what it really is, as a failure of the Bush administration?

    Republikkkans keep spinning and spinning this story and the democrats do little to stop it because democrats are mostly guilty of the same crimes against the country.

    The democrats are slightly more sympathetic to the poor and a tiny bit more inclusive of non white, non straight, non male people, but there are few other differences, especially since Clinton.

    Neither party is worth a shit on national security, or anything else, because the bests interests of the people are not their concern. Their own power and influence are their primary concern to the point at which each party has become bloated with pro corporate pigs who continue to do dirty business with the jihadist, anti-democratic oil kingdoms and Zionist murderers while they hawk weapons of mass destruction around the world.

    Really, I only hate the republikkkans more than the democraps from force of habit. They all make me sick.

    And the fact that Barack Obama is being promoted as the future of progressive democratic politics tells you the democrats are not progressive at all. A glance at Obama's record will confirm there is little progressive about him.

    Iraq, New Orleans, immigration hysteria, the world trade center towers, the growing health insurance crisis, the failing school systems, pollution, climate change and any other problem you care to add to the list all stem from the same source.
    Corporate takeover and privatization, free trade and globalization, economic restructuring ushered in by both parties.

    Very hard things to get the public to think about. But there are a few more who grasp it now than 5 years ago.

    It has taken 26 years - maybe more, when you consider the right wing effort to get Jimmy carter out of office - for them to dismantle most of the new deal and the great society (which also had a few problems) programs.

    We can't reverse their effort in a year.

    Cindy Sheehan cannot reverse it. It will take a cohesive grass roots movement based on many issues to create real political opposition to corporatists (Not provided in our one party system masquerading as 2) and that will only come through accurate information.

    The nations's horror at Katrina can't reverse it alone either.
    How do you reach the public when they don't even have a framework for grasping what's going on?

    These right wing loonies hold Bill Clinton up like the great Satan, even though he happily went along with the program. Until the average Clinton supporter, or people with that mind set, come to understand that there is no meaningful opposition how do they begin to define what the problems are?

    The anti war movement as expressed by Cindy Sheehan came into mainstream media without necessary context, remember?

    After several years of corporate media supported, big, reeking, blatant lies from the Bush administration about the reasons for the invasion of Iraq , there was, and remains, considerable confusion about the issues. A lot of people perceive the invasion and occupation as DEFENSE of their country, the lives lost as "noble sacrifice" (an absolute load of bullshit where ever you encounter it).
    That perception makes Sheehan mostly irrelevant to them.

    Although Cindy Sheehan was not able to catalyze a large aggressive national antiwar movement, not yet, I think it is because Katrina jerked attention away from her efforts. She never had the momentum - or public sympathy - to withstand hurricane Katrina or the drowning of New Orleans or lead an antiwar movement. The public, trained by 50 years of television, cannot pay attention to more than one thing at a time.

    The anti war movement needs to replace that Bush brain scrubbing with an accurate analysis of what these people are really doing in Iraq. Because that information is not going to come through regular news channels. And that corporate agenda is the unifying force behind everyone of these problems. EVERY ONE OF THEM.

    Cindy Sheehan never had a chance to dispel that confusion, to blow away the smoke the right wing corproratists hide behind.
    She's just a regular person suffering. How can that compete with Survivor or American Gladiator or whatever crap is popular at this point. I'm not sure. I ignore it.

    People are so bamboozled by media exposure, so distracted by it, yet so involved with it, regular folks in regular pain don't make much of an impact.

    When you're walking your dogs some evening count the number of telescreens you see shimmering through the windows. This is what people DO. Watch that crap.

    Large numbers of people still believe Saddam was involved in 9.11 and Al Qaeda is in Iraq. Large numbers of people sill believe that free trade is free and free trade is democracy and America took free trade and democracy which is freedom to Iraq while they were hunting those WMD Saddam was about to turn on them, but Islamo fascists are resisting it because they hate our freedom. People did not reach those conclusions on their own. They were handed them by Bushco through the courier of corporate media, mostly televised.

    Cindy Sheehan was never in a position to dispel Bush's crap. Had Cindy Sheehan said, " my son was murdered for the Bremer orders, for the privatization of Iraq's trillion dollar economy and 4 or so companies all very connected to this administration have been the primary beneficiaries..." but then she wouldn't seem so sympathetic.

    And, of course, Bush and his henchmen are still peddling this same tired old shit about Iraq and everything else. Katrina did galvanize hatred of Bush. Katrina and the flooding in New Orleans - in spite of our racist corporate media doing what it could to demonize and criminalize the people left behind - After all, in Amerikkka all black and brown people are suspects - Katrina did drop the filter for a minute or 2. But People still do not quite understand.

    Yet something has changed. The fact that the federal government failed to function has not been out of the tightly controlled news even one day since the levees broke.

    The administration has taken heat and parts have melted.

    A few more people actually understand how corrupt Bush is and the GOP is about to get it's sheet wearing ass whupped in the midterms - well, providing they don't cheat.

    The problem is the nature of the failures defy discussion in the sound byte mainstream media. Again there is a lack of context, that we are witnessing the result of a long term plan to change the nature of federal government.

    What is astonishing is that there is any anti war movement, any progressive movement, any meaningful protest given the conditions of society right now. I mean these right wing fucks are waging all out big brother style war on us.
    And still people fight back.


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