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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Wednesday, August 02, 2006

    This about sums it up


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What would you like Israel to do? Just sit there and ignore a hundred incoming rockets a day? Hezbollah started it, and they continue it, by inundating Israel with indiscriminate anti-personnel rockets.

    The Hezbollah rockets are designed for no other purpose but to inflict random casualties. They are not even aimed. They are not aimed at military targets.

    Hezbollah and the PLO have been blowing up schoolbuses full of Jewish children for the past 50 years. Along with machine-gunning people at bar mitzphahs and shopping malls.

    Their campaign of terror has never worked, but they continue because they are mindless, sadistic, brutal murderers. They hate the Jews because the Jews are successful and they are failures.

    They treat their women like dogs. You should go over there and take a look.

    The Hezbollah is the reincarnation of the Nazi party. They blame all of their own troubles, and all of their own failures and all of their own stupidities on Israel.

    The Israelis have given them endless opportunities, which they reject, because they would rather scream and shout and shoot their guns in the air.

    They are idiots. Murderous idiots.

    5:21 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I don't know where you are getting your information, but you need to get new sources.

    What I would like Israel to do is the same thing I would like The US to do - obey international law, cease war crimes, immediately leave occupied territory - Gaza and the west bank in Israel's case - and stop pretending that this conflict is about Hezballoh. It isn't. It is about water and giving the neocons their war against Syria and Iran.

    By the way, if the IDF would stay out of Lebanon, Hezballoh wouldn't have their men.

    This massacre benefits NO ONE but terrorists, militaristic governments and companies who sell weapons.

    If Israel is to continue to exist Israel needs to make peace with its neighbors.

    This is what happens when you open up your "homeland" in the middle of someone else's country, based on the fasicst idea of your "superiority", and announce your plans to exterminate Arabs, as did the founders of Israel, who founded it with terrorism in 1948, murdering and displacing thousands of palestinians, some of whom fled to lebanon which gave militaristic fascits in israel their excuse to attack Lebanon over and over, midwifing hezballoh into being in the first place.

    The Israeli government is the aggressor and always has been. Your talk about rockets is ineffective. Look at the casualities. How many dead on either side?

    Come on man, not all Arabs hate Jews and I've known some Jewish men who treat women really badly. Should I generalize from that? You're showing me that you are Jewish, Zionist, brainswashed and a bigot. These commetns are as gross as yelling Nigger in Harlem "..they are this that and the other.." No. They run the gamut, just like we do. They are human beings and deserve to be viewed as such, just like us

    Arabs are not Nazis. That is exactly the kind of brainwashed bullshit that validates hatred of Jews.

    You need to familiarize yourself with some other perspectives.

    Justice for everyone is the only path to peace.

    I'm glad that you and I disagree so compeltely can use this forum to exchange view points reasonably.

    8:22 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Don't know where to start on THOSE comments. They are totally uninformed and idiotic.

    First, Israel is a nation of 5 million Jews, surrounded by 200 million Arabs. Second, said Arabs have trillions of dollars in oil revenue.

    Furthermore, there is NO CIONNECTION to any black racist issues. If you had a brain in your empty, stereotype-filled brain, you would know that MANY Israeli citizens, and MANY Isreali JEWS come from Arab nations and have DARK SKINS. Some are black and many look Arabic.

    Rascism is NOT an issue in Isreal. Nor are Israelis "foreigners" to Israel. It is the stinking Palestinian RATS who are the foreigners to Israel.

    The Palestinians have been given opportunities again and again to have peaceful co-operation with Israel. Many have, but the towelhead fanatic MURDERERS, that you love so dearly, would rather spend their time and money on blowing up school buses.

    Grow a brain. Think befor e you talk.

    Where you come up with this MORONIC notion of Israel as some sort of Fascist aggressor nation is beyond imagination. That is strictly the line of the towelhead, COWARDLY MURDERERS who yesterday rained down 200 missiles on Israel.

    And do you cry about THAT? No. You're so full of SHIT its coming out your ears. You seem to think that every poor person on earth has gotten that way because they are "oppressed".

    Yes the Arabs are oppressed. But not by Israel. By their own leaders!!! The Arabs are raking in trillions in American dollars in oil revenue.

    Do any of the multi-billionaire oil sheiks in Saudi Arabia or Iran do anything for the Palestinians? NO. Do they let the goofballs into Iran? NO. Do they let them into Saudi Arabia? NO.

    Do you think that ANYBODY in Arabia wants a bunch of CRYBABY Palestinian MURDERERS in THEIR country? NO.

    Then these sanctimonious Arab cocksuckers have the AUDACITY to blame ISRAEL for their problems!!!

    It is Israel's fault that Saudi oil sheiks spend trillions on their castles and their whores???

    It is Israel's fault that Iran wastes their money supporting about towelhead religious zealots and murderers who waste all of their oil revenues on SHIT?


    Jews have lived in Israel for at least 4000 years, and there is a multitude of archaelogical PROOF to support that. The Palestinian murderers came to the area in the middle ages with the blood-thirty MURDRERS of the Byzantine empire.

    Have you not noticed that the Arabs are blood thirsty MURDERERS???

    Are you blind? Are you brain dead? Was 9/11 done by a "compassionate" people? The Arabs are pack of freeking MURDERERS.

    Today they shoot 200 Iranian-made missiles indiscriminately into Isreal. Rockets which are specifically designed to kill as many civilians as possible.

    And you are STUPID enough to be sympathetic to these SCUM???

    You are an IDIOT.

    Israel Fascist? That's like calling Jesus Christ a warmonger. You are an IDIOT. I don't call many people idiots, but YOU ARE!!!

    8:08 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Don't know where to start on THOSE comments. They are totally uninformed and idiotic.

    First, Israel is a nation of 5 million Jews, surrounded by 200 million Arabs. Second, said Arabs have trillions of dollars in oil revenue.

    Furthermore, there is NO CIONNECTION to any black racist issues. If you had a brain in your empty, stereotype-filled brain, you would know that MANY Israeli citizens, and MANY Isreali JEWS come from Arab nations and have DARK SKINS. Some are black and many look Arabic.

    Rascism is NOT an issue in Isreal. Nor are Israelis "foreigners" to Israel. It is the stinking Palestinian RATS who are the foreigners to Israel.

    The Palestinians have been given opportunities again and again to have peaceful co-operation with Israel. Many have, but the towelhead fanatic MURDERERS, that you love so dearly, would rather spend their time and money on blowing up school buses.

    Grow a brain. Think befor e you talk.

    Where you come up with this MORONIC notion of Israel as some sort of Fascist aggressor nation is beyond imagination. That is strictly the line of the towelhead, COWARDLY MURDERERS who yesterday rained down 200 missiles on Israel.

    And do you cry about THAT? No. You're so full of SHIT its coming out your ears. You seem to think that every poor person on earth has gotten that way because they are "oppressed".

    Yes the Arabs are oppressed. But not by Israel. By their own leaders!!! The Arabs are raking in trillions in American dollars in oil revenue.

    Do any of the multi-billionaire oil sheiks in Saudi Arabia or Iran do anything for the Palestinians? NO. Do they let the goofballs into Iran? NO. Do they let them into Saudi Arabia? NO.

    Do you think that ANYBODY in Arabia wants a bunch of CRYBABY Palestinian MURDERERS in THEIR country? NO.

    Then these sanctimonious Arab cocksuckers have the AUDACITY to blame ISRAEL for their problems!!!

    It is Israel's fault that Saudi oil sheiks spend trillions on their castles and their whores???

    It is Israel's fault that Iran wastes their money supporting about towelhead religious zealots and murderers who waste all of their oil revenues on SHIT?


    Jews have lived in Israel for at least 4000 years, and there is a multitude of archaelogical PROOF to support that. The Palestinian murderers came to the area in the middle ages with the blood-thirty MURDRERS of the Byzantine empire.

    Have you not noticed that the Arabs are blood thirsty MURDERERS???

    Are you blind? Are you brain dead? Was 9/11 done by a "compassionate" people? The Arabs are pack of freeking MURDERERS.

    Today they shoot 200 Iranian-made missiles indiscriminately into Isreal. Rockets which are specifically designed to kill as many civilians as possible.

    And you are STUPID enough to be sympathetic to these SCUM???

    You are an IDIOT.

    Israel Fascist? That's like calling Jesus Christ a warmonger. You are an IDIOT. I don't call many people idiots, but YOU ARE!!!

    8:08 AM  

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