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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Tuesday, August 22, 2006

    Control of regional water and inciting war for Bush is their main objective

    JERUSALEM -- Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Tuesday that Israel has no plans to lift its air and sea blockade of Lebanon takes up positions along the Syrian border and at Beirut's airport.

    After the aggression Israel just pulled, Hezbollah will NEVER disarm. Everything they say about Israel has been validated by Olmert, who has the leadership skills of a lobotomized donkey.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Nothing that Israel could do would cause Hezbollah to disarm. Their stated objective is to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and to kill every Jew in Israel, if not the world. They were given 13,000 anti-personnel missiles by Iran and the only reason that they just shot off 4,000 into Israel, instead of 13,000, was because of the Israeli bombings.

    Hezbollah DESIRES martyrdom. Israel did exactly what Hezboallah wanted. That is why Hezbollah shot off 4,000 missiles from heavily populated civilian neighborhoods.

    The death of all of those Lebanese means nothing to Hezbollah. It is holy war holy martyrdom to Allah. And wonderful propaganda.

    There is absolutely nothing that Israel could do to make Hezbollah disarm voluntarily. They are a militia of mercenaries. They are being well paid by Iran in American $100 bills.

    The head Nazi in Iran is a Holocaust-denier who has declared his objective to murder everyone in Israel.

    All of this is nothing new. The Arabs have been trying to exterminate Israel since 1948. However, most of the Arab states have come to see that Israel is of great benefit to Arabia, bring them out of the black hole of medieval Islam.


    4:03 PM  

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