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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Monday, July 03, 2006

    Sy Hersh on NeoCON plan to Bomb Iran

    Inside the Pentagon, senior commanders have increasingly challenged the President's plans, according to active-duty and retired officers and officials. The generals and admirals have told the Administration that the bombing campaign will probably not succeed in destroying Iran's nuclear program. They have also warned that an attack could lead to serious economic, political, and military consequences for the United States.
    The attack on Iraq already has lead to serious economic, political, and military consequences for the United States, though such negative consequences do not and will not deter BushCo as they SEEK negative consequences.

    The escalation of "the war on terror", a bullshit concept used to frighten citizens into supporting megalomaniac GOP members for office, is what Bush seeks.

    Perpetual war soaked in a thick Main Stream media cooked soup of fear creates Bush the atmosphere that allows him to suppress constitutional rights and liberties, reroute money to super wealthy owners of military production apparatus, such as Carlyle Group and Lockheed Martin, circulate disinformation that distracts from the class war Bush is fighting against America, privatize the military, privatize voting to make it even easier to rig elections, privatize the economy of oil rich Iraq in Amerikkka's interest, though the Iraqi freedom fighters are making that damn hard for them to accomplish by demanding they get the hell out, rewrite the social contract by expunging all public responsibility from the federal government, appoint crassly partisan, undemocratic craps to high office such as cabinet posts and the supreme court, etc.

    Any rational analysis that says these idiots won;t bomb Iraq because it would hurt American can be tossed right out the window of the nearest skyscraper as altering America beyond recognition, destroying it, is the plan.


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