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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Tuesday, July 04, 2006

    Developing Nations Rise Up Against U.S. Insistence on Deep Tariff Cuts

    Let's review. Free Trade means big corporations are free from regulation, free to abuse the environment and workers and consumers and make millions of dollars an hour while doing it.

    Free trade rests on the ludicrous notion of trickle down, a nut job theory which has been aptly demonstrated to be a bogus notion of how to use an economy to serve as many as possible, and clearly proven to benefit mighty overlords and international industrialists.

    Although the Amerikkkan public, inundated as it has been for decades with the eerie glow of the brain sucking telescreen spewing hour after hour of thought suffocating, hypnotic drivel, and false ideas, has cozied up, stupidly, to the idea of free trade as a mechanism for enhancing the middle class and putting bread on the table of the poor, even though it clearly is not, the rest of the world is not yet under the sway of such junk economic science and will probably continue to rise up - hopefully - while Amerikkka continues to be third worldized and economically sodomized by Bush's ownership class.

    As long as Amerikkkans continue to immerse themselves in the politics of hate, intolerance, suspicion, ethnocentrism and exclusivity - and Amerikkkan Exceptionalism - the overlords will be able to manipulate us quite easily.

    You can silence several generations just by selling them an Ipod (on their mastercard). You can dumb down understanding with an ESPN sports package. You can obfuscate with Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter. You can distort with Wolf Blitzer. You can distract and confuse with cable news about Brad and Angelina and story after story of abduction and murder as you ramp up the fear and mistrust and portray your national leaders and strong daddies who will protect you from the evil in the world.

    Yeah, were in bad shape here.


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