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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Friday, May 12, 2006

    Michigan Food Stamp System

    So much for welfare queens.
    Why doesn't big ass walmart develop some stores in the area since they care so much about America's poor?
    What an outrage that these stores are selling rotten food to poor people. The kinder, gentler nation created by the republicans and shored up by the dimocraps at it again.

    On Monday, the Michigan Food Policy Council is scheduled to vote on the issue as part of its recommendations to Gov. Jennifer Granholm on ways to increase the number of stores selling fresh food in low-income areas.

    As she wheeled her cart through K&G recently, food stamp recipient Tamika Ealy, 22, said she tends to do most of her shopping early in the month.

    "The food tends to be fresher at the beginning of the month," she said.

    While store owners say their food is always fresh, they acknowledge the selection is better on days they expect more sales. With customer purchasing so skewed, they say they have no choice but to adjust their merchandise.

    In Detroit, where more than a third of residents live below the federal poverty line, healthy food at reasonable prices can be hard to find. There is no discounter such as Wal-Mart Stores Inc., and most supermarket chains have abandoned the city.

    Nationally, the Food Stamp Program served 23.9 million people in 2004, with an average monthly benefit of $86 per person and $200 per household.

    In Michigan, each of the 512,000 households -- 1.1 million individuals -- on food stamps receives them within the first nine days of the month. The funds are transferred electronically onto a debit card.


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