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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Friday, November 04, 2005

    The Pentagram, not the Pentagon

    This is not a symbol of the devil.

    There is no devil. The devil is a creation of the Christian church in much the same way the WMD are a creation of the BushCo church of felons and liars and people who would sell their grandmothers to dancing, starving, whooping it up cannibals for a buck.

    If you wear a pentagram, or tattoo one on your ass, the devil will not fornicate with your virgin daughters, drag you to hell by your hair, curse you with raggedy warts on your knuckles or beckon you to cut off children's hands for boiling in your bubbling cauldron by the light of a full moon. There is no hell of liver pickin' vultures or fiery lakes for the devil to burn you in. There is no hell. There is Zoroaster and cultural diffusion and angry roaming pastoralist killers, especially in Washington these days.

    The pentagram is a symbol. Life is full of them. The pentagram is a metaphor. And knows it is. It is, for my money, a much happier symbol than the crucifix as well as a much more useful one. It is a visual symbol which attempts to express some truth about our condition, and the fact that there is no hard and fast, tight assed, rigid, unyielding Yahweh expression of the truth. Yahweh is about wielding power and obfuscating great truth. Yahweh is the enshrinement of phallus worship.
    Not for me, thanks.

    We swirl in. We swirl out. Our cowering before imaginary authoritarian father gods and forsaking the love of pleasure, other than the pleasure of controlling and abusing and demeaning and looking down upon others, which is NOT pleasurable for all of us, will not give you eternal life or enlightenment or anything else except smug hatefulness, a reputation for being not so smart and dirty, bruised knees.

    All this monotheistic crap merely distracts us from the truth of what we are and what we best be doing. And I am very comfortable with this as my truth, so comfortable I could sit in the bathtub with it or nap with it on the couch.

    I am so very weary of right wing Christians and their pronouncements and condemnations, and their simplistic, inaccurate, narcissistic view of life they feel entitled to FORCE on everyone else.
    They are completely delusional.
    Their religion is COERCION.
    Their politics are COERCION.

    An insight I had many years ago while gazing upon a pentagram, and some stones and burning incense, is life is process, and process matters, the moment to moment experience matters so much more than the imaginary afterlife of the obsessed monotheists all around. They don't care about process, just the end by any means. They want to suppress process because it is chaotic and unpredictable, which is beautiful and our only hope. They want to destroy process because it is human and they will tell you all humans are born bad. So frightening and filthy how they brandish the cross rather than meditate upon the wheel of life that surrounds the star. So horrifying that the administration in Washington panders to this specific mentality day in and out, plays to people who oppose public institutions of any kind and who will look you right in the face and tell you they'd be the first to kill you if they didn't believe in god.

    Love your neighbor.


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