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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Friday, November 04, 2005

    The Bush Stained World Has A Nasty Smell

    The Repiglikkkans RIPPED OFF the 2004 election (with no lack of help from Judas Miller, retired New York Times "reporter.")
    The president is not legitimate. Everything he has done in office should be viewed as RAPE and tried accordingly.

    Look at the results of their governance. They're starving the poor, defrauding us while poisoning us at the grocery store, killing babies, freezing old people while bilking them out of their last dime and they are still blaming the Democrats. We're in an illegal war and occupation based on lies, Our environmental laws are sidestepped or erased, our health care system has failed, our educational system has failed, our media is nothing but STATE SPONSORED PROPAGANDA, and they are about to gut the tax code to loot even more of the treasury for billionaires, and this is just the very short list of Repiglikkkan and Repiglocrat crimes.

    The fact that a pig eyed Swine like Tom Delay is still snorting around demanding his trial judge come from his own party goes to show how far America has fallen under The Bush Regime.

    This is what happens when an idiot is crowned king. All the slinking skanko "advisors" around him take their say and get their way and no one is accountable.
    I'm so fucking mad I'm getting tunnel vision. How dare they.

    GAO report upholds Ohio vote fraud claims

    As if the indictment of Lewis “Scooter” Libby wasn’t enough to give the White House some heavy concerns, a report from the Government Accounting Office takes a big bite out of the Bush clique’s pretense of legitimacy.
    This powerful and probing report takes a hard look at the election of 2004 and supports the contention that the election was stolen. The report has received almost no coverage in the national media.

    The GAO is the government's lead investigative agency, and is known for rock-solid integrity and its penetrating and thorough analysis. The agency’s agreement with what have been brushed aside as “conspiracy theories” adds even more weight to the conclusion that the Bush regime has no business in the White House whatever.

    Almost a year ago, Rep. John Conyers, senior Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, asked the GAO to investigate the use of electronic voting machines in the Nov. 2, 2004, presidential election. That request was made as a flood of protests from Ohio and elsewhere deluged Washington with claims that shocking irregularities were common in that vote and were linked to the machines.

    CNN said the Judiciary Committee got more than 57,000 complaints after Bush’s claimed re-election. Many were made under oath in a series of statements and affidavits in public hearings and investigations carried out in Ohio by the Free Press and other groups seeking to maintain transparent elections.


    Hunger In America Rises By 43 Percent Over Last Five Years
    Hunger in American households has risen by 43 percent over the last five years, according to an analysis of US Department of Agriculture (USDA) data released today. The analysis, completed by the Center on Hunger and Poverty at Brandeis University, shows that more than 7 million people have joined the ranks of the hungry since 1999.

    Oppose the Weakening of Organic Labeling Laws
    A recent court decision ruled that only natural ingredients should be allowed in foods labeled as "organic." This ruling reinforces our current organic labeling law by keeping chemically-derived synthetic substances from being used in foods labeled as “organic.”
    UPDATE: On October 26th, the Agricultural Appropriations Conference Committee voted to weaken the organic label. The decision to allow chemically derived ingredients — some without careful, independent review — was made even after members of Congress heard from more than 325,000 of their constituents and more than 200 organic companies opposing this very action.

    In response, Consumers Union plans to mount a widespread public education campaign to help consumers look for additional, meaningful labels on organic food products, such as ‘no-synthetics used’ or ‘100% grass fed’, so that American consumers can make informed decisions about the products they purchase.

    WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 (UPI) --
    The Bush administration is opposing U.S. Senate Republicans who want oil companies to divert some profits to low-income households for winter heat.

    Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, has called for oil and gas companies to devote a portion of their nearly $100 billion profits in the latest quarter to families who could see a 50-percent hike in heating bills this winter.

    But Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said there was no way the administration would back the proposal, The Washington Times reported Thursday.

    In letters to three oil and gas companies, Grassley asked them to contribute 10 percent of their profits to fuel funds operated by states and utility companies that supplement the federal heating assistance program.

    "In light of record profits and rising energy costs, it seems only logical for the companies to practice good corporate citizenship by helping low-income families and seniors," Grassley wrote.

    Infant Mortality Rates Are Rising in U.S., While Rates in Other Countries Are Improving
    Nov. 1, 2005 — What's causing the increased death rate among babies in the United States?

    While the health of infants in many countries is improving, babies born in the United States now face an increased risk of dying in the first year of life.
    The U.S. infant mortality rate is on the rise for the first time since 1958, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2001, the infant mortality rate was 6.8 deaths per 1,000 live births — in 2002, the rate rose to 7.0. (2003 data is not yet complete.)
    At the same time, other countries are improving their infant mortality rates to the point that they have surpassed the United States. Cuba, for example, reported a lower 2002 rate than the United States at 6.3.
    The CIA World Factbook estimates the infant mortality rate in the United States is now comparable to Croatia, Lithuania and Taiwan. Most analysts currently rank the United States 28th in the world in infant mortality, far behind other industrialized nations such as Sweden, France, Japan and Germany.

    DeLay blames Democrats, war for runaway federal spending
    Knight Ridder Newspapers
    WASHINGTON - Republicans may control Congress and the White House, but a leading House Republican says they can't be blamed for runaway federal spending on their watch.

    Blame it on the war, said Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas. Or the Democrats.

    "The 9-11 recovery, the war on terror, our homeland security buildup and related priorities have required Congress to spend more than we otherwise would have," the former majority leader of the House of Representatives told an audience Thursday at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

    "These things needed doing, and they needed doing quickly. Yes, they were expensive, but they were necessary and time-sensitive, and, given the circumstances, we were right to err on the side of security over thrift."

    He also blamed Democrats, complaining that they haven't offered any suggestions on how to cut spending. He said they created a congressional budget process that makes it difficult to cut spending.

    "We've been operating off a Congress designed by Democrats," he said.

    The Republicans took control of Congress in 1995.

    J. William Lauderback, the executive vice president of the American Conservative Union, challenged DeLay's version of congressional spending history. He told DeLay that he ignored the fact that only one-third of the rise in federal spending under Republicans stemmed from security. He also noted that House Republican leaders have advised their members to campaign on the local benefits of the recent highway bill, ripped by many conservatives as wasteful spending.

    "I'm not here to defend the highway bill," DeLay said. Then he defended it, saying that without the bill, his Houston district wouldn't get its fair share of highway money.


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