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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Tuesday, February 27, 2007

    How to create democracy in the USA

    1. Impeach Bush
    2. Impeach Cheney
    3. Arrest and try Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, Gonzales, and all others complicit in the Iraq invasion, for war crimes.
    4. Try Bush the first for war crimes and treason for his part in October surprise, Iran Contra and other illegal activities.
    5. Try Bill Clinton for war crimes in Bosnia
    6. Test James Baker's DNA to see if he is actually human.
    7. INVESTIGATE 9/11
    8. Break up Carlyle group
    9. break up Media Conglomerates
    10. Break up food Conglomerates
    11. Implement progressive tax code
    12. Cut defense spending by 75 % immediately
    13. Fund all education
    14. Create a single payer national health care system.
    15. Tell Israel out of West Bank and Gaza NOW or no more funding and no more weapons
    16. Develop a Manhattan project for energy independence
    17. Bring all troops home
    18. Break up defense contractor conglomerates, especially Lockheed, and make all their business activities front page news
    19. Free internet broadband for everyone. Afterall, we paid for it
    20. Drug Treatment instead of prison for drug users


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