How to create democracy in the USA
- Impeach Bush
- Impeach Cheney
- Arrest and try Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, Gonzales, and all others complicit in the Iraq invasion, for war crimes.
- Try Bush the first for war crimes and treason for his part in October surprise, Iran Contra and other illegal activities.
- Try Bill Clinton for war crimes in Bosnia
- Test James Baker's DNA to see if he is actually human.
- Break up Carlyle group
- break up Media Conglomerates
- Break up food Conglomerates
- Implement progressive tax code
- Cut defense spending by 75 % immediately
- Fund all education
- Create a single payer national health care system.
- Tell Israel out of West Bank and Gaza NOW or no more funding and no more weapons
- Develop a Manhattan project for energy independence
- Bring all troops home
- Break up defense contractor conglomerates, especially Lockheed, and make all their business activities front page news
- Free internet broadband for everyone. Afterall, we paid for it
- Drug Treatment instead of prison for drug users
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