Iraqis Near Deal on Distribution of Oil Revenues
The working draft of the oil law re-establishes the state-run Iraq National Oil Company, which was founded in 1964 to oversee oil production but was shut down by Mr. Hussein in 1987. The company would operate using a business model and not through a government budget process. Iraqi and American officials say that would make management of oil production more efficient and separate it from the Oil Ministry, which has been rife with corruption.
This is why Bush and Cheney invaded. To privatize Iraq's considerable oil wealth in order to better line their pockets with that profit. Why spend money Iraqi oil makes on free education and health care for Iraqis when they can pad their own bank accounts with it by just a few illegal strokes of L. Paul "Jerry " Bremer's pen, at the insignificant cost of a couple hundred thousand dead Iraqis and a few thousand dead ( so far) Americans, the hatred of the world, and all at tax payer expense, with the added bonus of heaps of cash for Lockheed and Halliburton and Blackwater and other mercenary service companies.
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