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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Friday, September 01, 2006

    US may consider additional aid to IDF

    Oh, so our war criminals pay their war criminals our tax dollars for successfully creating more conflict and ill will so facists can fingerpoint and hollar about Islamic terrorism, a fear creating ploy which enables them to hijack the constitution and the bill of rights and the economy.

    If Israel asks, the US would "seriously consider" granting the Defense Ministry additional financial assistance because of the huge expenses incurred during the war in Lebanon, a high-ranking US diplomat revealed Wednesday.

    According to ministry estimates, Israel spent close to NIS 30 billion on ammunition, fuel and other expenses during the war. The defense establishment has already asked the Treasury to be compensated for that amount. The US provides Israel with military assistance of more than $2b. annually.

    "A request has not yet come," the US official said. "But we would consider it seriously."

    According to diplomatic sources in Jerusalem, the government was considering asking for additional aid - one report said a request might be for $2b. There was also talk in Washington of a large-scale financial package to help rebuild southern Lebanon, in part to keep the Iranians out of the process. Israel was apparently hoping to fold its aid request into this package.


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