Pace: Bigger U.S. Force May Stabilize Iraq
The troops feel, "We're doing our part. When is the (Iraqi) governance part going to kick in? And that's a fair question."
Pace preached patience.
"It's too early to pass judgment on a brand new government," he said, referring to Prime Minister Nouri al-Malaki.
Whatever. Can anyone in the government control their lying and delusions?
I can pass judgment on such bullshit statements as well as the new Amerikkkan installed government in Iraq, a government designed to advance Amerikkkan multinational interests at the expense of the Iraqi people.
It isn't going to "kick in".
It wasn't designed to work.
Pace is as big an idiot as rage junkie Richard Meyers, though not quite so Frankensteinish in appearance.
The Iraqis want the occupiers OUT.
A bigger force will fuel the "insurgency".
And even if a bigger force allows our own little ersatz imperial Sardaukar to kill more thousands of Iraqis, it will amp up hatred and extremism and religious delusion and destroy the country and the region even further.
These people just aren't as dumb as most Americans, the "free" people who bent over and let the government shove globalization, privatization, "free" trade and empire up their asses (all while they cheerfully watched Fox news and ate prion rich Big Macs that originated in some e-coli crawling agribusiness in Omaha).
All anyone has to do to GRASP what's going on is shut off the sound.
Don't listen to what these maniacs say.
Instead, look at what they've done.
Look, for example, at the Bremer orders, issued by Jerry (L. Paul) Bremer from May 2003 to June 2004.
These orders opened Iraq up for exploitation by Amerikkkan business, not just oil either, cut the citizenry out of the process of rebuilding and restructuring and worsened the situation in the country 10 fold by disbanding the army and purging the civil service of all who had already worked there.
DUH! Only a corporate lackey could be so dumb as to do that.
Bremer, like any dictator, governed by signature with no other legal body to interfere with his decisions, or I should say his implementation of decisions made in Amerikkkan boardrooms and right wing think tanks.
For example, order number 12 which suspended all tariffs, customs, duties, import taxes, licensing fees, etc., for goods entering and leaving Iraq, shut down Iraq's self sufficient food production, among other things, as local farmers were forced to compete with super cheap subsidized grain products etc., produced by agribusiness stationed from sea to dying sea in Amerikkka. Having lived through agribusiness wiping out small family farms, having witnessed what this did to the character of this nation, I shudder merely to witness. But it isn't just that. The order restructures the economy, opening it up to the crazy system of globalization that has proven to benefit only a handful of wealthy people while down grading everyone else, removes control and benefit from the Iraqi people and hands it to multinationals.
Or order 17 which granted all representatives of the Amerikkkan empire immunity from Iraqi law, so that when our imperial sardukar gang rape and murder 14 year old Iraqi girls they are not subject to the laws of Iraq, but are tried only in Amerikkkan courts, which we all know make a mockery of justice these days.
But it isn't just soldiers. All representative of the empire are immune to Iraqi prosecution. That is simply unheard of. Even Hitler was not so bold.
Then there's order 37 which erased the progressive tax system and put in place the regressive right wing wet dream of a flat tax, so that the poorest and the richest pay the same percentage on income.
And on and on.
Bremer signed hundreds of orders and provisions. Everyone of them benefits Amerikkkan interests. And no one found any WMD. And there is no democracy in Iraq. Free trade is not democratic any more than it is free.
And we supported Saddam Hussein's' atrocities for years.
I'm just skimming here, barely sampling what Bremer did, but this information is widely avaialbe, though not on your TV.
No wonder the Iraqis, one of the most educated groups of people in the world, though likely to change under Amerikkkan control as we believe education should be for profit and Iraqi gave it away for free, are furious.
No amount of soldiers can erase that fury. And some, like myself, have a tendency tot think of insurgents by the more accurate term "freedom fighters."
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