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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Tuesday, August 29, 2006

    Music download security 'cracked'

    DRM is used to control people's access to digital data.

    It is commonly employed on music downloading sites to restrict the use of music purchased and downloaded online to ensure copyright is not infringed.

    In other words, DRM means you bought it but it still isn't yours. You can only put it so many places before it breaks. I've had this happen with Itunes.

    When my apple computer broke (at 5 months old from a known issue with bad capacitors, Apple didn't inform me of when I bought the machine, because the thing to do is leave the problem for the customer to deal with, not fix the computers before you sell them) I was forced to repeatedly back up Itunes because the machine was displaying error messages, spitting out the DVD's without indicating if they were finished then crashing.
    I couldn't use the computer to check if the songs were actually burned, so I just rebooted and tried to burn my music library.
    During this process I burned my Itunes one too many times (you're allowed 5, I think) and so lost the right to use music I'd purchased from Apple.

    DRM is just another way to rip off consumers and assert corporate dominance.
    My generation, who started out buying vinyl, will probably never like DRM but the kids coming up under the system of "renting" music through the computers will probably never know the difference.


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