WHAT ME WORRY? Carefree Monkey Lips the healthiest president ever
All those hours spent jogging, biking, weight training, swimming, brush cutting, recreating and delegating his authority and responsibility to others, those MONTHS of vacation he takes each year, those fishing trips and those love rubs with his Scotties and Shark eyed Laura and Vulcan Look-alike Condiliar Rice have paid off handsomely!
Not to mention the excellent publicly funded health care he gets as president, an especially juicy perk for a president who's destroying the VA during war time and pulverizing what is left of the health care system, the national tragedy and international joke, in the united states.
He's truly unique and will be even more so as his polices burrow deeper into America causing more and more lethal stress and more and more deadly poverty.
Bush has the resting heart rate of an athlete at 47-52 beats per minute, his blood pressure is 110/64 and his total cholesterol is 178, CBS News reported.
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