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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Saturday, May 13, 2006

    Spy Agency Watching Americans From Space

    Spy agencies historically avoided domestic operations out of concern for
    Pentagon regulations and Reagan-era executive order, known as 12333, that restricted intelligence collection on American citizens and companies. Its budget, like all intelligence agencies, is classified.

    Reagan would, no doubt, be furious at Bush administration operatives who spy on Americans illegally.
    Of course, when Rummy was cutting deals to arm Saddam while Saddam was committing war crimes it was during the Reagan administration, and I'm furious about that.

    On Clapper's watch of the last five years, his agency has found ways to expand its mission to help prepare security at Super Bowls and political conventions or deal with natural disasters, such as hurricanes and forest fires.

    With help, the agency can also zoom in. Its officials cooperate with private groups, such as hotel security, to get access to footage of a lobby or ballroom. That video can then be linked with mapping and graphical data to help secure events or take action, if a hostage situation or other catastrophe happens.

    Clapper certainly applies a lovely color to the government's amazing and amazingly expensive to tax payers spy capability. Apparently the spooks can look right up your ass from the sky.


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