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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Monday, May 29, 2006

    Remembrance: What Happens when Fascist US interferes South of the Border

    Sorry for the obvious right wing bias in the excepted material. It came from CNN, the news source the repiglikkkans call "liberal. (So, no thinking person would accuse repiglikkkans of understanding or intelligence.)

    After an economic attack on the country to weaken Allende's government, he was murdered by Amerikkkan backed Pinochet, a ruthless, homicidal thug, just the kind the US likes, and Pinochet's reign of terror was imposed on Chile in the name of profit. Pinochet is presently being tried for his crimes. I hope Bush and company meet the same fate some day.

    At home, Allende's regime began to nationalize various industries, several of which had significant U.S. business interests. This line of action quickly cost the president the support of Chile's business community.

    By early 1972, with the United States continuing its support of the opposition and working systematically to weaken Chile's economy, the government began to lose control of a deteriorating situation. In order to control a strike by shopkeepers and truck owners, Allende temporarily brought senior military officers into his cabinet. With inflation out of control and his country becoming polarized between the extreme left and the extreme right, Allende slowly but steadily lost his grip.

    In September 1973, the army, encouraged by the United States, joined the conservative opposition, attacked the presidential palace in Santiago and deposed Allende.


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