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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Monday, May 15, 2006

    Bush budget cuts could cripple nationwide system of Environmental Protection Agency libraries that government researchers depend on

    The $2 million cut sought by the White House would reduce the 35-year-old EPA Library Network's budget by 80 percent and force many of its 10 regional libraries to close, according to the advocates and internal agency documents.

    That, in turn, would dramatically reduce access to certain EPA reports, guidance and technical documents that are used by the agency's scientific and enforcement staff as well as private businesses and citizens, they say.

    "They are moving ahead very quickly on very substantive cuts to their library program," said Patrice McDermott, deputy director of the American Library Association's Office of Government Relations. "They really don't have a good plan for continuing to provide access for the public, and even their own researchers and scientists, to the information."

    One of the best strategic reasons I can think of to impeach Bush is to save the country from further damage.

    The dimocraps seem reluctant to start an impeachment inquiry against monkey lips-cod piece, even though 70% of the country recognizes him for a liar, incompetent and moron about town, because they don't want to be seen as "trouble makers."

    Ah, no wonder the dims lose elections. It's because they are bright as burnt out bulbs cluttering a land fill.

    Bush is a war criminal and right wing extremist who is manipulating the country into policies it doesn't want by telling lies and using a vast propaganda network.

    He has abused his authority relentlessly. And he has failed to make the country secure in any sense of the word. For that alone he OUGHT TO BE IMPEACHED. Maniacs like Bush are why impeachment is part of our legal apparatus.

    It was the republicans who abused impeachment by going after Clinton over his private sexual conduct.

    To protect the country from any further deterioration, such as this outright attack on environmental safety, the democrats have a moral obligation to impeach the chimp.


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