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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Saturday, February 04, 2006

    Pentagon announces sweeping review of military strategy, increases in defense spending

    Ah, a cold war with China. Good thinking.
    And a big increase is psychological ops. More good thinking.
    And a small force dispersed all over the world because no one will say the Draft word until after the midterm elections. Then they'll have to say it.

    How can anyone seriously for one minute consider following any kind of Donald Rumsfeld's plans or valuing his assessments of the world when he has demonstrated to perfection what kind of leader he is, what value he places on planning and how little he understands the world?

    So the man who claimed Iraq would greet Amerikkkan "liberators" with flowers now wants to escalate a cold war with China?
    JESUS. Is anyone in America sane anymore?

    And the man who made no preparations for protecting Iraq from the predictable chaos of the illegal invasion and occupation or for battling an "insurgency", (I like to call them Freedom Fighters) now wants to plan long term, world wide war fare? And make a lot of money from it for himself and his friends.

    If Bush had a shred of integrity, and he doesn't, or respect for anything American, he would have fired Rumsfeld a long time ago.
    This article upset me. It is hard to find amusement making fun of them in this context. I feel more like crying.


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