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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Tuesday, December 27, 2005

    Report: Telecom companies aid in eavesdropping

    Well, DUH, yeah. Seems some of the idiots who decide "news" at CNN may soon venture onto the information that the state and big business, including the press, are one.
    A former official familiar with the program said that eavesdropping is not sufficient to understand the information being collected, but by employing communications companies to help find patterns that point to terror suspects officials are better able to discern what is threatening.
    Hmmm. I wonder if the "cooperative" telecom officials who arranged for their underlings to spy on our phone calls and emails are using states based grunts and peons or outsourced ones in the Philippines or India or some where?
    Considering the language barriers I encountered while going through my NOT windows operating system DSL hook up with "Bob," a Punjabi phone company guy, I must say I find the notion of outsourced eavesdroppers pretty amusing.

    Of course, when real information comes to light from legal listening in, such as the information produced by Sibel Edmunds, it is quickly suppressed by the feds, because so many of them, like vile satanic smurf Dennis Hastert, stand to be indicted and imprisoned by full disclosure.


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