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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Wednesday, December 14, 2005

    EPA to Expand Use of Human Chemical Experiments

    The good news is that EPA, for the first time, is pledging to abide by the Nuremberg Code, adopted after World War II to prevent a repetition of the horrific Nazi human experiments, stated PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch, whose organization became involved after EPA gagged its own scientists from voicing objections. The bad news is that EPA's proposal breaks this long overdue pledge by offering a plan peppered with loopholes that encourage unethical conduct and omit key protections for infants, pregnant women and other vulnerable populations.
    Yes, it's always good news when any agency of the United Confederacy of the States of Amerikkka agrees to comply with treaties, resolutions or mutually agreed upon rules for health and safety and the taking ofprisonerss etc., except read on.

    In order to dissolve the Congressional human subject ban, this September EPA offered a grudging plan that imposes few absolute safeguards. For example, EPA's plan would allow

    Dosing experiments involving infants and pregnant women using any chemical (except pesticides). Thus, companies will be free to test toxic agents, such as perchlorate, on nursing mothers;
    A repeat of the infamous (now canceled) CHEERS study because EPA pointedly omits any check against undue economic inducement, i.e., paying poor people enough to lure them into signing informed consent papers; and
    Studies on orphans, mentally ill children and prisoners without informed consent.

    This place is far scarier than Nazi Germany in 1938 or so, other wise not so very different. I have to call my so called representatives about this. Obama doesn't care what I say though. He only listens to Hillary Clinton. People could think they're in love.


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