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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Saturday, December 24, 2005

    Democracy May Be Dead in the United States

    but it is flourishing in Bolivia. For example, look at Evo Morales.
    He actually is one of the people. What a great position from which to REPRESENT.

    He is not the ass-end product of corporate money and the unconscious who amass it, unlike some other presidents I know. For example, look at George Bush. He isn't even of the same species as the people of the US.

    Correction. He is one of the same species as the braying asses who put him in office. For example, he is of the same species as She Swine, one of those women who thinks getting married is an accomplishment and assassination and torture are most excellent political tools and Bill O'Reilly has a lot of good, old fashioned common sense, and he's the same species as the Green Glow, who works for the VA and complains copiously about federal programs and says blacks and Jews are the problem in Amerikkka.
    If you knew me, you'd know how removed from reality Green Glow really is to chance a statement like that to me.
    And he is of the same species as closeted homosexual Fred Phelps and as the right wing, over populating "minister" who lives near me. At least priests are educated. Some of these protestant clergy can barely read. Not that I like priests any better, but it scares me that Protestants cherish the reformation as their golden historical moment, the ones who've heard of it anyway, without realizing what a blood letting it was, as are all movements to grab and consolidate power. At least the average priest is literate.
    No, no one in Washington is of the people or gives a damn about them, except maybe John Conyers, Dennis Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney. No, the folks in the driver's seats in Washington are political rock stars with privileged lives and groupies, except their groupies supply money in exchange for policy rather than sex in exchange for herpes.
    But enough out of me. It's Christmas Eve Day and while I don't celebrate Christmas, I must go shop because the cultural imperialism that says everyone must celebrate Christmas will be closing down the supply train early today.


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