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    Repiglican Roast

    A spirited discussion of public policy and current issues

    Location: The mouth of being

    I'm furious about my squandered nation.

    Tuesday, December 13, 2005

    Campos: The high cost of 'freedom'

    The story of this murder is dropping off the news radar.
    The reaction to the shooting death of Rigoberto Alpizar provides a sobering glimpse into America's current obsession with keeping ourselves "safe" from "terrorism." Alpizar was shot by federal air marshals after he ran off a plane that was about to depart from Miami to Orlando.
    Initially, authorities claimed that Alpizar had yelling that he had a bomb as he ran down the plane's aisle with a backpack strapped across his chest. Yet The Orlando Sentinel interviewed seven passengers who claimed Alpizar wasn't saying anything at all, let alone yelling about a bomb, while no passenger backed the government's story.


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