Welcome to the Basement of the Ministry of Love
How Many Fingers Winston??
Chemical weapons are conventional weapons when we use them on civilians in Iraq.
The United States Does Not Torture.
The intelligence was wrong, not manipulated.
Muslims are mad dogs who attack us for no reason.
We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.
Tax cuts for the rich stimulate the economy for the poor.
Cutting funds for food stamps and Medicaid and offshoring Jobs is good for everyone, especially our economy.
Ronald Reagan brought down the soviet Union withhis aggressive military expansion a wave of his hand
George Bush is elected.
George Bush Sr did not fix the 1980 elections by cutting a deal to keep Americans prisoner in Iran longer than they would have been prisoner had he not acted in a treasonous manner.
We have a free Press.
Getting rid of the fairness doctrine helped bring balance to the media
We love Iraqi Freedom.
Oil is in short supply so we must charge much more for gasoline
Bin Laden Zarqawi is Goldstein the enemy
War is peace
Freedom is slavery
The United States is a Democracy
Chemical weapons are conventional weapons when we use them on civilians in Iraq.
The United States Does Not Torture.
The intelligence was wrong, not manipulated.
Muslims are mad dogs who attack us for no reason.
We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.
Tax cuts for the rich stimulate the economy for the poor.
Cutting funds for food stamps and Medicaid and offshoring Jobs is good for everyone, especially our economy.
Ronald Reagan brought down the soviet Union with
George Bush is elected.
George Bush Sr did not fix the 1980 elections by cutting a deal to keep Americans prisoner in Iran longer than they would have been prisoner had he not acted in a treasonous manner.
We have a free Press.
Getting rid of the fairness doctrine helped bring balance to the media
We love Iraqi Freedom.
Oil is in short supply so we must charge much more for gasoline
War is peace
Freedom is slavery
The United States is a Democracy
Just wait until they put your head in a cage with a rat
They've already put me in a cage with the neocons and the Christian right. Rats cannot be worse than that.
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